SimTop continuously improving the mechanism model
to provide a more realistic metaverse.

SimTop collaborates with multiple research institutions, based on a large amount of experimental data to continuously improve fluid, explosive, smoke, and dynamic models, in pursuit of more realistic simulation performance, providing clients with better design recommendations and user experience.

SimTop's graphic technology effectively shortens the
project cycle and reduces resource consumption.

From the perspective of customer cost and application, we have developed a variety of computer graphic acquisition technologies, which effectively shorten the project modeling and modification cycle.The lightweighting of large scene models also effectively reduces transmission resource consumption.

Provide a full range of digital services
to improve the level of operation management.

With years of experience in industrial operations data storage, mining, analysis, maintenance, and security, we provide customers with a full range of digital services. Self-developed AI algorithms and blockchain technology, giving more value to operational data and helping customers to achieve management leaps in production operations.